Mga Pahina

Miyerkules, Abril 10, 2019

How can I clear the Run history?

The Run history is stored in the registry in location 

as a series of values a-z. To delete an entry from the run menu perform the following:
  1. Start the registry editor (regedit.exe)
  2. Move to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RunMRU
  3. Select the entry you wish to remove, e.g. h
  4. Press the Del key (or select Edit - Delete) and click Yes to the confirmation
  5. Double click the MRUList value and remove the letter you just deleted. Click OK to save the change
  6. Close the registry editor

Pfsense boot loop fix

Image result for pfsense boot menu

boot as single user mode after give the command in prompt /sbin/fsck -y -t ufs /